Digital Coffee
Its been just over a week since I got a really bad stomach bug. Also, it came on the wave of COVID-19 pandemic taking hold of the globe and shutting down gatherings of people. It had a big hit on my mental health, largely as I was looking forward to being more social in the Spring and networking for my coaching business. I was bummed out when they suggested social distancing, so much I could feel my depression starting to set in and I just wanted to sleep through the low mood. Then I realised something important.
I never thought they followed my work at all, but they did nonetheless.
A friend of mine mentioned how they read my Medium blogs. Another mentions reading my blog on my website. I never thought they followed my work at all, but they did nonetheless. Now’s the time to essentially open up in the most radical ways. Like I know there are literally people who will be Googling a lot more than normal trying to entertain themselves in self isolation. Some will be looking for ways to be inspired, others entertained and others informed about a plethora of different things.
Like one of the things I take for granted is music. To me, its a constant lifeline that helps me accelerate through life and all its troubles. Also I was hoping to release some music and play more local gigs. So while the gigs aren’t happening, it doesn’t mean I can’t show that side of me through the power of the Internet. I’ve been playing guitar a lot more since being ill, so I’m putting together something musical through the coming weeks.
Also, I’m a big movie nerd so with the cinemas all shutting down I’ll be digging into my vast online lists and every Friday sharing something which you might enjoy. I’m a big fan of Marvel movies but I do enjoy all sorts of different genres as well. So keep an eye out for that as I mostly hang out on Instagram for that. I’m calling it Digital Coffee by the way, just as a means to break down the barriers of formality.
Until next time folks#embraceinfinity Wash your hands and stay safe.