Going forward
For the last three years years I’ve been based out of a place in Digbeth called Impact Hub Birmingham. Its become a sanctuary for me during when I was homeless and I’ve grown a lot since I’ve been here. Often you would see me on Wednesday afternoons on the front desk, greeting people and assisting moving things around. Now things are about to change forever.
As I type, we’re going through our closing festival and slowly…furniture is being sold off or stripped away. Its very surreal and very emotional for me. I know things are changing for the better with another, bigger project coming soon…but there’s memories locked up in places. Especially good places where I feel safe enough to be myself.
I came out here as trans and nobody blinked an eye, in fact they embraced me with not a bad word said. I became a coach here and had input from another coach about best practice. I performed here and found more of me with each day that passed. Now I’m genuinely at a crossroads for where I go next.
Some would be very scared by this, but I’m not. I’m filled with excitement on where I will end up next and who I’ll be surrounded by. Rest assured, this has been a home away from home and I won’t forget the times I’ve enjoyed here.
Now, I have to look forward for a new space to be based out of…but coaching continues along with new opportunities and new faces. Helping others through their transitions as well.
Until next time, #embraceinfinity