Hungry? I know I am.
Right now I know what you’re thinking. Savoury or sweet? Thinly made crepes or fat stacks of doughy heaven. Chocolate or maple syrup? Blueberries or bananas? Can you flip it? Are you bothered? Just for yourself or for a whole bunch of your friends? I usually like them sweet…with a bit of peanut butter, but not too many rounds thanks.
Today is Pancake Day, also known as Shrove Tuesday, Fat Tuesday or Mardi Gras (yep, that Mardi Gras with all the celebrations and stuff) It traditionally a time of celebrations before Lent officially started the following day on Ash Wednesday. When I was a Christian I used to follow through and tried to give up something for Lent. It never really worked to be honest. I always slipped, fell over and gave up at some point.
Only stepping away from being a Christian has changed how I view it. I now view it as a time to fill yourself with good things. A time to be reborn and be revived and rise anew like the Spring season is supposed to do. I actually had a bit of a pep talk with myself about where I am and where I want to be.
More that I feel I’m drifting a bit. However, when I sit down with my colleagues and describe my list of things (coaching, activist, musician, part of an active Vogue house) I soon realise I do quite a lot and I just need to become smarter at organising it all. Then also focus on them one at a time, which is possible as they all mean something to me.
So to close, are you hungry? Are you hungry for a better life where you actually feel you’re heading in the right direction? Are you hungry for something that isn’t just an obligation but has some meaning? Are you hungry for a goal/intention you want achieved and you set the terms of? Then drop a comment below. The first step towards an idea is to write it down.
Until then, #embraceinfinity folks and I’ll see you down the road.