When I think of Pride Month nowadays, I think more of the commercialisation of something authentic than its truest form, time for celebration, protest, reflection and honest being. Some may say that I’m just bitter and I don’t appreciate how far things have come. The truth is I do, but there are still queer people out there who are dying…and a lot of them are black trans women.
I know this isn’t every Pride across the UK or even across the world. I just know there are many stories that still need to be told. As long as there are others in the world who are discriminated for their identity or who they love, this isn’t over.
I remember being in my first Pride parade, the vibe of celebrating with all my siblings as we all celebrated being truly ourselves. I wore a hand me down orange sun dress, beige coloured wedges, a rainbow coloured headband and holding onto a massive banner with friends. I felt like I was floating on air, like I was dialling into my ancestors that paved the way for queer liberation.
Now, that feeling has matured into something deeper but it needs to go further than just a month. In my work as a coach, I’ve spoken to many queer people be they clients or mentors and I have learnt a lot. Some dark stories, some glowing moments of glory, some strong lessons but enough knowledge to help others through their intentions on a personal level, on a business level or even a corporate level.
Lastly, my heart will be always concerned with my queer community. However, we can’t keep on hurting each other as much as those who don’t want us to exist. We must learn to move beyond our differences and truly come together united against those who remain concerned as we go against the status quo. Racism, homophobia, transphobia and biphobia do not have a place in the community and we must be vigilant to keeping it that way.
My hope is that Pride will be something that isn’t shallow but has many layers and something for everyone. Something to celebrate, something to contemplate and something to absorb. That’s the Pride I want to see.
Until next time folks
Aquila Hope is a holistic coach, black trans activist, speaker, podcaster and songwriter. They’re found through Instagram, Twitter, Medium and their own website. Their podcast ‘Grasp At The Root’ can be found on Anchor, Spotify, Google Podcast, Apple Podcasts or wherever podcasts are distributed. Aquila lives on the outskirts of Birmingham, enjoys expressionist art, video games, strong coffee and a well made pizza.