Simply The Best
I remember my mom talking about Tina Turner fondly all the time, especially in my younger years in the 80’s. That was around the time I heard (Simply) The Best a lot. It was always something that made me sing at the top of my lungs and pump my arms in the air. It made me strut around the house in my teens, like I was Tina myself. It filled the air with a sense of regality and power, like for three minutes or so I was truly the best at what I was. So hearing that today she’s 80 years old and still with us made me think.
What am I ‘Simply The Best’ at?
Since my youth, my singing voice has grown stronger and more mature. however it’s been a while since I recorded it and shared it amongst anybody. I’m hoping to make a change to that before the end of the year. I feel like I have a lot more to say since the last time I recorded.
Listening to others has been one of the things I had to learn. In my younger days, I had so many ideas they would fly all over the place at breakneck speed. Alongside a ridiculous belief that everyone was into what I was doing, it clouded my judgement a lot. After my own troubles, I find it easier and more satisfying to listen to other people’s stories and lives.
Hugs. I enjoy hugging others and really opening spaces for their thoughts. Holding space is also another word which is entirely different than just listening too, it requires empathy, understanding and presence in the moment. Its what lead me to become a self awareness coach especially.
Activism is something that found me, rather than the opposite way round. I definitely don’t see myself as the best, but many say I’m passionate about speaking for trans rights and institutional racism that is invisible but ever present in the world at large.
Finally, I think I’m the best at being me. Its corny, but I think there are things that others are better at but other things I only can do. Like find a way to be funny when I’m nervous (!) dance and be silly about the most awkward things and probably laughing as well.
Overall, there isn’t a salve for hard work and focusing on becoming better. I think about how can I better serve my client everyday. However, its also very important to find your own way of doing things and learning how to be yourself as well.
Until next time, #embraceinfinity everyone!