The Non-Binary Continuum
Today (14th July) is International Non-Binary Day. Many people look at me somewhat confused when I explain this to them, even as a trans person. For me its as simple as not identifying as either woman or man, male or female. However, this still confuses people as most people in society have believed in a binary structure of gender. While as I did my research, I realised there are many either non-binary or gender non-conforming people throughout history.
The most intriguing and possibly non-binary person is the Public Universal Friend. The Friend was insistent on rejecting any gendered pronouns and would only be referred to by name (either The Friend or P.U.F) and not by her birthname. Although history presents the Friend as either fraud or pioneer, their impact as a genderless preacher striving for gender equality is something to be applauded in a time where being anything other than a man severely limited quality of life and standing.
Another who I have had the pleasure of meeting in real life is Alok Vaid-Menon. An Indian-American performance artist, writer and speaker, I ended up warming up for them at my local Impact Hub in Birmingham. When they performed, it was very much before their time and the issues are coming to the fore this year.
Lastly is Rebecca Sugar who created the long standing and publicly lauded animated series Steven Universe. Not only is the narrative of Steven Universe taking on issues such as sexuality and gender, they created the Crystal Gems in the show as an expression of herself as a non-binary woman.
In conclusion, not only do non-binary people exist in the western world but have existed prior to western eyes for a long time and we’re only growing in our awareness and standing in the public eye. So if you do identify as non-binary, reach out as I’m sure there are many of us who will lend a hand to become more connected to your true self.
Until next time, may your fire burn bright, may the earth remain rich and always #embraceinfinity