Trans Day of Remembrance
Every year on November 20th at the end of Transgender Awareness Week comes the aforementioned Trans Day of Remembrance. Today we remember those who have been murdered due to transphobic violence. Its been three years since I began speaking at these events. I always consider my words carefully, but nonetheless speak from the heart about the lives lost. However, I feel a different spirit of how I want to address things today.
Through my own practice as a self awareness coach, I know that the process of transformation first of all is mourning what was. Its a process but the more you continue on your journey, the mourning becomes easier to deal with. Making space for new mindsets is always initially thankless, but as they find permanence internally, external changes come into place. Although there is indeed maintenance and further growth, the more you put in the more you learn even if the process isn’t linear.
This must be the world we as trans people are willing to take a role in. Not necessary campaigning or advocating for others, but one that pushes forward and not backwards. One that remembers the deaths, but doesn’t slip into apathy because we don’t see the future we all want. One that has a world which we don’t worry about death anymore than any other person.
Rest must be taken like anybody, but it must be truly understood also to fill up our own reserves of energy. It must be radical and restorative, beyond just the necessity of sleep. It must allow our hearts to heal and creative energy to be stirred to great works.
Most of all, we must put aside our internal differences. Be that differing experiences, differing conditions, differing social standings and unify. Not ignoring the differences, but sit underneath one umbrella to back each other up. We cannot afford to be divided anymore. We must be great until the world sees our greatness and we force their hands to see the travesty we are living under.