Unexpected gifts
My mindset has changed a lot over the years in terms of what a gift is and how I look at it. My mindset was formed from being a not well off kid raised in Handsworth, a neighbourhood of Birmingham. My family wasn’t dirt poor but we were in the category of ‘one paycheck away from everything sinking.’ Having a roof over my head was the most important thing. Having nice clothes, TV and something to do was a bonus. I carried this attitude for a long time until recently.
Let me take you back to a time when I was still in my twenties, playing in a worship team band in a church. I had a few instruments at hand, saved my money prudently to get a few important things. I was the perennial ‘side man’ playing guitar but not singing a lot, until something happened on an ordinary, not particularly special day.
We just finished a conference and I was absolutely shattered. Usually ‘spontaneous worship’ can turn into long jam sessions, playing the same parts on a loop. However, this ends up becoming a lot more creative as while the preacher/speaker does their thing, we can shift dynamics, groove and trade riffs in the jam.
Once things came to a close, we would load out and talking about guitars a lot. My friend was playing a Japanese made semi-hollow electric guitar. It had a beautiful finish and my friend let me play it for a while after. I (in my youthful ignorance) asked him how much was it. He just said ‘For you, its free. Take it.’ I was totally flabbergasted.
I never to the day, really have the mindset that anybody owes me anything. I ended up heading home and stared at this beautiful guitar for hours. I played it for nearly a decade until it got stolen and I’m very grateful for that time. Now, I think of these little moments that are well and truly full of grace. Moments where I simply don’t see coming, people who I didn’t see speaking to and lives I didn’t even fathom touching.
Until next time, #embraceinfinity