What’s next?
For those of you in the UK you can probably guess what I’m about to talk about but those outside of the UK may have no idea. We’ve just gone through a lengthy General Election campaign with all parties vying for control of Parliament and the Prime Ministership. The Labour Party offering a very hopeful manifesto of not just dealing with the dreaded Brexit issue but also invest, nationalise and repair the last nine years of austerity. The Conservative Party led with the phrase ‘Get Brexit Done’ and made further claims of investment but nowhere as extensive as Labour’s manifesto.
When the votes all came in, it led to the biggest landslide for the Conservatives since Thatcher. It honestly took me back, but if it can happen with Trump in the US…then it just happened with the UK and Johnson.
After wallowing for a while I realised I promised myself before voting. Regardless of the vote, I’ll get back to the work that needed to be done. So I had to honestly push myself out of that mindset and consciously carve out a path for myself beyond the machinations of governments and more in the spirit of community.
My work and all the things I do now take a different spin. Heading into 2020 I’m no longer looking to shrink back into the background. Its to talk more, express more and speak more about the things that continue to make life difficult for people. Not that I won’t give myself the right amount of rest and recovery also. I see it as a serious commitment now. I see it as more people start to engage with me and people respond wanting to dialogue. I see it in the looks I received at Shout Festival Vogue Ball, the desire of my closest to cheer me on as a coach and the ideas coming through my unheard songs.
So what does your 2020 looks like?
Until next time, #embraceinfinity